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What is the First Step? Attitude

This is a favorite from our Blog Archives—some great advice and insight. Enjoy!

Organizing has taught me that when I feel overwhelmed about anything, whether it be the massive clutter remaining from our recent move or facing tough financial decisions, it's always good to ask myself, "What's the first step to solving the problem."

And although identifying a simple, actionable step is critical to getting the process moving, I've also realized that before I can build momentum in resolving the issue, my first step needs to be to check my attitude.

I can't control everything that happens in my life. I often can't fix the problems the way I want to. So much is beyond my control. But the one thing I always have in my control is my outlook.

  • I can be gracious to myself.

  • I can count my blessings.

  • I can dwell on the good things.

  • I can pray about the not-so-good things.

  • And I can ask for help if I need it.

Negativity breeds negativity. Feeling overwhelmed is not a positive feeling. So I've learned that I must be intentional about keeping my attitude positive in the face of tough challenges.

Then, as I take the first practical step to solve my problem, I find the momentum comes quicker.

I hope this helps you as you face your challenges in life. What one thing, organizing challenge, could you perhaps look at differently? Give it a try!

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