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Keryn Shaffner


I was mystified when I saw this letter combination on a post-it note my son put out a couple of months ago. He’s 13, neurotypical, and generally capable of doing what needs to be done regarding school and life. I taught him how to do his laundry. He empties the dishwasher (when prompted!) and stays on task finishing his school work. So, why, oh why, is it so difficult for him to unpack his daily lunch box when he arrives home after school?

After repeatedly asking him to empty his lunch box so it’s ready for me to pack the following day, and often discovering old food Monday morning in his lunch box from Friday, well, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I told him he needed to figure this out. What can he do to remind himself to unpack his lunch box? And this was his solution:

NTS=Note to Self. Who knew? I certainly didn’t until I saw his note! I was impressed that his instinct was a visual reminder in a logical place so he’d remember to unpack his lunch box. Was it perfect? No, but it definitely made a difference. I was able to let go a little bit, knowing that most of the time, when I walked in the kitchen, I’d see his empty lunch box waiting for tomorrow. Victory!

So, what does this have to do with organizing? Well, post-its are a great way for anyone, but especially people with ADHD, to have a visual reminder of a “to-do.” It could be something as simple as unpacking your lunch that you need to do daily, but if that visual helps you remember, a well-placed note goes a long way!

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